Optical Group : Made up by a light source with automatic adjustment of its intensity, a diffusion lens, a diaphragm to control the light path, a reaction cell and a high sensitivity revealing element which detects all O.D. variations in the center of the cuvette.
Thermostatic Block : Thermostated device at 37 +/- 0,1 C that includes the optical system and the magnetic stirrer motor. It allows to thermostat up to cuvettes and vial of reagent.
Key board : Easy to handle, to program and to perform the tests.
Alphanumeric display : LCD of 1 x 16 characters in which appear all the results, alarm indications, temperature control, control times and all the data of the test to be done.
Storage Capacity : Up to 10 methods.
Program Capacity : incubation times, waiting time, security time, calibration curves up to nine points for the methods that require it.
Calculations : It automatically calculates results related to the stored calibration curves with the corresponding units, Activity and International normalized Ratio. (INR)
Computer Connection : RS232
Power requirements : (110) 220 volts 100Va 50-60 Hz.
Dimensions : 18 x 30 x 14cm
Weight : 2.2Kg